Welcome to the second national meeting of the Swedish chemical society!
We are pleased to welcome you to Linköping, Sweden, on the 20-22 June 2022 for SCS 2022, which bring together chemists from all fields of chemistry represented within the Swedish Chemical Society (Svenska Kemisamfundet).
The program is filled with top level plenary lectures, broad all-invited keynote sessions, exciting specialized parallel sessions and poster sessions. The program offers plenty of room for interactions with meeting participants and exhibitors between scientific sessions with coffee breaks and lunches in the exhibit- and poster areas.
The meeting is held at Linköping Konsert och Kongress in downtown Linköping within walking distance to all hotels, restaurants and bars. It begins at lunch time on Monday 20 June and ends mid-afternoon Wednesday 22 June.
Registrations and poster submission is open.
Welcome to SCS2022 and to Linköping!
The local organizing committe